D6.8 – Best practise handbook – Solutions Catalogue

Within the Mari4_YARD project, WP6 (Sustainability Assessment and Replicability) has the important task to assess, that the solutions developed in the project will be technically, environmentally, and safety-wise suitable to achieve the impact envisaged in the project, i.e., that they can be successfully applied in real life after the end of the project. Complementary to WP8 (Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation) which will roll-out solutions once being developed, this work package will investigate in more technical and environmental detail of solutions and compare them with known external experiences, relevant to the target community. As this activity is starting in the second project period, the early assessment by WP6 can be seen as an early check and guidance to technology developers to ensure the practical impact of solutions both in partner shipyards and a wider community.
This Deliverable 6.8 gives an overview of the best practices with respect to the different Mari4_YARD technologies. Each technology is presented briefly, and the potential applications are described. Benefits and obstacles to be expected are explained as well. Additionally, the document contains information about the installation and application of the solutions.

Download the deliverable D6.8